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Monday, 27 September 2010

Continuity Editing

Continuity editing, is the style of filming that is favoured by the majority of Hollywood editors. The purpose of continuity editing is to ensure that the work of the editor(s) is as invisible as possible, so as to make you forget that you are watching a film or a TV show so you can immerse yourself within the programme. The goal is to make the experience more realistic and enjoyable to watch, which therefore increases sympathy made with the characters in the programme. Editors hope that because of this, the story line becomes more believable and the viewers forget that what they are watching is actually scripted. The audience shouldn't notice the cuts and the shots should flow naturally.

Continuity editing is linked to classical Hollywood narrative and doesn’t get in the way of telling the story; it’s almost invisible. Its purpose is to get the audience to suspend their disbelief and get carried away in the story.

Preliminary Task - Video Task

For this, it is a continuity exercise involving filming and editing a character doing several tasks: opening a door, crossing a room and then sitting down in a chair, swapping dialogue with another character whom they are sitting opposite to. This needs to include a match on action, shot/reverse shot, 180-degree rule, a cutaway and a cut in whilst ensuring that there is a flow and the shots are relevant to the conversation that is taking place.


This is my blog for Media Studies AS level. On here I will post my preliminary and main tasks to keep it updated. Enjoy!